Counselor Corner

Navigating challenges, supporting growth and planning your Journey

Message to Families

Here, we believe that every student’s journey is unique. As your dedicated counselors, it is our mission to provide a compassionate ear, a steady hand, and a safe space for your family to navigate the ups and downs of academic and personal growth. Whether your student is facing academic hurdles, social pressures, or personal struggles, they are not alone. New Frontiers is here to listen, understand, and to empower your family with the tools and resources needed to become successful in and outside of the classroom.

Parents, You play a Vital Role - Help us Help you

Recognizing signs early on can make all the difference in a child’s journey. Counseling isn’t just about academic success; it’s the foundation of your child’s emotional well-being. When parents engage with counseling, you help empower you child to navigate challenges both in and out of school, fostering both resilience and growth.

New Frontiers Public Schools prides itself in recognizing the whole student and understands that doing so goes far beyond academics. Beginning this school year, all students will be receiving interventions on social emotional well-being using the curriculum, Character Strong. Individual and group counseling services will be offered to those scholars in need of additional support.

New Frontiers offers seminars and workshops as well as short-term opportunities for individualized counseling sessions for adults and families. For more information, please contact Student Support Counselor, Ms. Norma Arshad at 210.519.3850 ext. 3505 (office), 210.729.2240 (work cell) or on SCHOOLOGY.

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."- Aristotle

Norma Arshad
District Lead Counselor
Norma Arshad
Frank L. Madla Early College High School Student Support Counselor

Social Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions. New Frontiers Public Schools utilizes the Character Strong curriculum to implement and help students acquire strong SEL competencies.

Parents and Guardians are encouraged to review the curriculum and lessons. Please contact District Lead Counselor, Norma Arshad at or 210.519.3850 ext. 3505 (office) or 210.729.2240 (work cell) for information on how to access these lessons.

Frank L. Madla ECHS Character Strong Scope & Sequence

Imelda Davis ECHS Character Strong Scope & Sequence

Greg A. Garcia Early College Intermediate Character Strong Scope & Sequence – 6th grade

Greg A. Garcia Early College Intermediate Character Strong Scope & Sequence – 7th grade

Greg. A Garcia Early College Intermediate Character Strong Scope & Sequence -8th grade

character strong
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Education Assistance Act is a federal law that provides services to families and unaccompanied youth living temporarily due to loss of housing.

  • Living in a shared housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason.
  • Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, cars, substandard housing , abandoned buildings and/or campgrounds.
  • Living in emergency or transitional shelters
  • Being an accompanied youth (not living with a parent or guardian) living in a temporary situation.
  • Being a migratory child who is living in any of the above circumstances.

Parent and Student Educational Rights

  • Immediate enrollment
  • Removal of barriers to school enrollment
  • School selection
  • Transportation assistance (school bus or VIA)
  • Immediate eligibility for free child nutrition
  • Enrollment Assistance
  • School Supplies
  • Backpacks
  • Clothing and/Food Assistance
  • Transportation
  • Community Resource Referrals

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education

If you feel your family fits the definition for homelessness under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act, please contact District Lead Counselor, Ms. Norma Arshad or 210.729.2240.

Helpful Links

United Way 211 or 227-HELP (4357)
Findhelp uses zip code to help with free or reduced-cost resources like food, housing, financial assistance, health care, and more
San Antonio Community Resource Directory
Close to Home San Antonio
San Antonio Homeless Connections Hotline 210-207-1799
Food Assistance
Housing & Evictions
The Refugee and Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services (RAICES)
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid (TRLA)


Haven for Hope
Salvation Army-Hope Center Emergency Shelter
Strong Foundation Ministries
Seton Home
Roy Maas Youth Alternatives

Mental Health Services

Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine (THCATT) - School Referral Required
Center for Health Care Services
Clarity Child Guidance Center
Laurel Ridge Treatment Center
San Antonio Behavioral Healthcare Hospital
Texas School Mental Health

suicide prevention

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people ages 10-34. Attached are The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, Prevention Suicide Fact SheetsSuicide Warning Signs (English) and  Suicide Warning Signs (Spanish) that all parents should be aware of.

suicide prevention

Family Workshops

Family Workshop will be offered several times throughout the school year. The following calendars include information of scheduled workshops, opportunities to participate in committee meetings and family fun events.

Calendar of Events

Family Favorites at your Fingertips

Parent Connect

Explore our list of valuable resources designed specifically to help our parents navigate and find everything they need to ensure their child’s success.

Schoology Learning Management System


Student/Parent Handbook
Student/Parent Handbook
Student Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct
Enrollment Info
Enrollment Info
Free VIA Bus Passes
Free VIA Bus Passes
Inclement Weather Policy
Inclement Weather Policy
Parent Portal
Parent Portal
Calendars Session Year 2024-2025

ECHS Calendar SY 2024-2025

GAGECI Calendar SY 2024-2025


A copy of all school’s Student/Parent Handbook is linked below.

Student/Parent Handbook


Student Code of Conduct

Parents and students are encouraged to contact campus administration with any questions or concerns regarding the requirements and provisions of the Code. Parents and students are expected to review and be familiar with the provisions of the Code. Lack of knowledge or awareness about any School rules, including this Code, will not excuse violations of the Code. Parents and students will be required to sign a statement acknowledging receipt and understanding of the Code.

You can find the District Student Code of Conduct handbook here.

Student Registration

Thank you for choosing New Frontiers Public Schools District!

Complete Online Enrollment Forms

Documentation for Registration Required:
Official State Issued Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
Current Immunization Record
State Issued Picture ID card or Parent or Legal Guardian

Free Via Bus Passes for ECHS students only

Using the student ID issued by the Alamo Colleges, students can ride the Via Bus at no cost.

Download VIA go-Mobile

Review Our Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, New Frontiers Public Schools (NFPS) will follow these guidelines. Please Click here for more information.

Enroll a New Student

Click here to log in to Parent Self-Serve to enroll a new student, view progress reports, check attendance and grades.